International REU

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International REU in Commutative Algebra

A Research Experience for Undergraduates in Guanajuato, Mexico

supported by Conahcyt and by the NSF RTG Commutative Algebra at Nebraska

photo credits: Manuel González Villa and CIMAT

Location & dates

Location: Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, Guanajuato, Gto., Mexico

Dates: June 23–August 1, 2025


This is a six week Research Experience for Undergraduates, which will be held at Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas (CIMAT). CIMAT is a Mexican research center dedicated solely to mathematics, which hosts many international conferences and workshops.
American citizens and permanent US residents will be supported with funds from the National Science Foundation (NSF), while Mexican citizens or residents in Mexico will be supported with funds from the Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias, y Tecnologías (CONAHCYT). Participants will receive a stipend for the duration of the program and assistance with housing and travel.


Students will be expected to have some familiarity with proof writing. The ideal candidates will have taken a first course in algebra covering elementary ring theory.


American students: Please apply here. The deadline for applications for American Citizens and permanent US residents is February 15, 2025.
Mexican students: Please apply here. The deadline for applications for Mexican citizens and residents in Mexico is March 16, 2025.


Eloísa Grifo (University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Jack Jeffries (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Luis Núñez Betancourt (CIMAT)
Alexandra Seceleanu (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Yuriko Pitones (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana)

Local information

About the city:

The City of Guanajuato is the Capital of the State of Guanajuato and home to the main campus of the University of Guanajuato. It is one of the most important colonial towns in Latin America and a UNESCO declared World Heritage Zone.

This City is located about 350 km (220 miles) NW of Mexico City. Guanajuato dazzles the visitor with the charm of its relaxed atmosphere, its cobblestone streets, its picturesque plazas and underground streets. While remaining a small provincial city, Guanajuato boasts a great number of attractions, from beautiful colonial buildings to modern museums, from silver mines to a university.

Guanajuato's altitude, 2000 meters (6000 feet), ensures that the climate is always pleasant. The rainy season is from June to September.

Entering Mexico:

Anyone who has citizenship/permanent residency or a valid and current visa from Canada, the United States of America, Japan, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or any of the countries that make up the Schengen Area can enter Mexico without an additional visa. There are currently no COVID restrictions for entering the country.

This REU is supported by NSF RTG Grant DMS-2342256 Commutative Algebra at Nebraska and by Conahcyt grants CF-2023-G-33 Redefiniendo fronteras entre el álgebra conmutativa, la teoría de códigos y la teoría de singularidades and Grant CBF 2023-2024-224: Álgebra conmutativa, singularidades y códigos.


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