Image courtesy of Danny Anderson

We meet on Mondays at 1:30 pm in Avery 19.

In anticipation of Bhargav Bhatt's Rowlee lecture in March and Ray Heitmann's retirement conference in April, we are running a seminar on Big Cohen-Macaulay modules.

Current Schedule

Friday, January 31: Anna Brosowsky spoke on regular sequences, depth, and Cohen-Macaulay rings/modules

Monday, February 3: Jack Jeffries spoke on the Hochster-Roberts Theorem

Monday, February 10: Mark Walker will speak on the homological conjectures and other consequences of CM modules

Monday, February 17: Tom Marley will speak on the direct summand conjecture in equal char and \( R^+ \) is CM in \( \operatorname{char} p > 0\)

Monday, February 24: Em Stephen will speak on the reduction to \( \operatorname{char} p > 0\); big CM modules in \( \operatorname{char} = 0\)

Monday, March 3: Nawaj KC will speak on Perfectoid basics

Monday, March 10: Kesavan Mohana Sundaram will speak on the direct summand conjecture in mixed charactertic

Additional Resources

Videos from the Homological conjectures - resolved! Workshop at MSRI

Hochster-Huneke notes on tight closure in equicharacteristic zero (includes material on reduction to characteristic p)

Bhargav Bhatt's lecture notes on perfectoid spaces, Winter 2017 class at the University of Michigan

Wikipedia page on the Homological Conjectures

Homological Conjectures, old and new, by Mel Hochster (2007)

Homological Conjectures and lim Cohen-Macaulay sequences, by Mel Hochster (2016)

The Homological Conjectures, by Paul Roberts

Cheat sheet on topics not covered in 905

Notes from Mark's Talk

Introduction to perfectoid spaces, by Ma and Tucker

Scene from the organizational meeting.